Thursday, May 2, 2013

Chapter One: What is Sociology?

Functional Analysis

Functional Analysis is a sociological perspective that allows us to see society as a whole unit made up of inter-related parts that work together. Functional Analysis can be related to silverware that each have their own roles to make our dinner possible. If they can't perform their function or are missing our dinner is abnormal, but if they do fulfill all their roles the dinner is normal. This perspective can apply to all groups, small and large.

Symbolic Interaction

Symbolic Interaction is the central idea that symbols are the key to understanding how we view the world and communicate to each other. Symbolic Interaction is seen in the restroom signs we see everyday. We have attached the meaning of women to wearing a dress and men in pants and cause us to relate to the need to use the restroom and react appropriately to go in the right one. This theory analyzes how we define ourselves and others.

Conflict Theory

Conflict Theory is a Sociological Perspective that society is composed of groups that are competing with one another for scarce resources. This can be seen in a work environment as two groups, (the mangers/bourgeoisie) and (the workers/proletairiat) interact. Conflict Theorists believe workers are being exploited by the managers for power and wealth. The unequal distribution of power and resources in a society or workplace can leave groups in conflict.


Proletairiat is a term in the Conflict Theory used by Karl Marx to describe the working class. Marx believed the Proletairiat were exploited workers and the means of production. They are controlled by the upper class called the bourgeoisie. He believed the Proletairiat would revolt and form a "classless" society one free of exploitation. To some extent this has happened for some workers with minimum wage, benefits, safety laws, and representation of unions.

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