Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Chapter Four: Social Structure and Social Interaction

Status Symbol

Status symbols are possessions used to convey one's position or status in society, often something they are proud of or pleased with accomplishing in their life. A framed diploma hanging on a wall can be a status symbol showing one's education obtained. Status symbols can change over time, for example an associate's degree may not mean as much as they once did, as they are easier to obtain through programs like A plus and more community colleges are accessible. Status symbols can also be forced on someone and can be negative, such as an orange jumpsuit can identify a prison inmate.

Division of Labor

Division of Labor is a term used to describe the tasks that are divided up among a group to accomplish a complete project. A construction site is a great example of the division of labor, as many workers have different tasks assigned such as dry walling, flooring, painting etc. This allows for faster, cheaper labor and allows for less education as workers only need to learn a task. Division of labor can have a negative impact if one task is not completed or done correctly, it can affect others and the whole project. It can also be negative for individuals because they are reliant on society and they only know how to do one job.

Body Language

Body language is a form of nonverbal communication that includes body posture, facial expressions, gestures, and eye movements. It can give us clues to how others are feeling and how we should react. We can be conscious or unconscious of our body language. We use it frequently everyday to communicate with others.

Post Industrial Society

Unlike an Industrial Society which turns raw materials into products, this society focuses more on information and services more than producing goods. The United States is a Post Industrial Society. It has changed our society by making us less reliant on ourselves and more reliant on others and others and technology.

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